Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cleaning Software in Lubuntu

Like in Windows OS for long time we use computer there will be junk file or temporary useless files that can slow down our PC performance for long time used. To clean up the system in windows there is CCleaner to do it.

For I use Linux especially Lubuntu there are also some application for clean up my Lubuntu system from junk files.

There are some application for this purpose.

BleachBit - This application is very useful that can be used to free disk space, improve system performance, and make our Lubuntu system faster. To install it in Lubuntu can be done from Lubuntu Software Center and search BleachBit than install it.

We can also install BleachBit from LXTerminal (Start > Accessories > LXTerminal) than execute following command:

sudo apt-get install bleachbit

Ubuntu Tweak - This software is also my favorite cleanup tool. This application can clean old kernel that our system don't need any more and this will become junk file and will keep stay in our system if we don't do anything to clean it.

To install Ubuntu-Tweak just execute following command

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

Now you can clean useless file or old kernel and improve Lubuntu system performance and make Lubuntu run faster.

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